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+1 -800-456-478-23

Opsti clanci

Wine preservation and dispensing system

This new, award winning detachable wine preservation and dispensing system was designed for smaller bars and restaurants who want to be able to expand their ‘wine by the glass range’ without having to accommodate multiple fridge cabinet systems. The patented stopper device enables you to store opened bottles indefinitely in a fridge or rack using […]

Opsti clanci


Izveštaj o stanju materijala cevnog sistema kotla na TEKO B, februar 2000 godIspitivanje zagrejaca visokog pritiska, prema programu ispitivanja overenog u Inspektoratu parnih kotlova, za Blok 1, Linija 1 i 2 i Blok 2 Linija 1 i 2, Termoelektrane Nikola Tesla  B, period ispitivanja 2002 i 2003 god. Ispitivanje i ekspertiza tj. procena veka cevi […]